Monday 26 January 2015

5 Unsung Heroes of Indian Independence

Each and every year Republic Day and Independence Day approaches is a lot of witting, articles, documentary published and broadcast in News Papers, Magazines, Blogs, Websites, social Media Pages, T.V, Radio etc on the Heroes who contributes and fought for Independence of our India. Political speeches replete with tales of sacrifice of our freedom fighters but almost every time the same names get all the attention and mentioned, while innumerable others lesser known names have been lost into forgotten pages of history. On this 67th Republic Day I would like to focus some light on 5 Unsung Heroes of Indian Independence who have by all means struggle for Independence of India.

      1. Allah Bux Soomro ( 1990- 1943) :     

Most of us not even heard of Allah Bux, a name long ignored on both the sides of border. This man has classified everything that secular India values today but remain an unsung hero. During the days of Quit India Movement in 1942 he was the Premier of Sind in what is now in Pakistan (Chief Minister was called Premier those days) and he was the founder of Ittehad Party. 
Allah Bux Soormo

He was the strong believer in united India, one whose heritage belongs to both Hindus and Muslims, together.  He strongly opposed the Muslim League’s position of the two-nation theory on the basis of religion. In 1940 he organized Azad Muslim Conference in Delhi that was attended by over 1400 delegates from all over the nation, where he positively spoke of a united India for both Hindus and Muslims. He always stands against on the creation of Pakistan.

Unfortunately, he didn’t find support from either National Congress or the Muslim League, which detested him for his opposition to their two-nation theory. He was murdered on May 4, 1943 by Professional Killers.

 2.  Chandrashekhar Azad (1872-1950):

Chandarshekhar Azad was among the great Indian freedom fighters but with passage of time slowly we have forgotten him. His unbeatable patriotism and courage inspired others to enter the era of struggle for freedom; he was mentor of Bhagat Singh, another great freedom fighter of India. While he was pursuing education in Sanskrit in Benaras he was deeply troubled by Jaliwanwala Bagh Massacre in Amritsar in 1919. When Mahatma Gandhi Launched Non-Cooperation Movement, Chandrashekhar Azad actively participated in revolutionary movement. He received his first punishment at age of fifteen.  Chandrashekhar was caught while indulging in revolutionary activities. When magistrate asked him his name he said “ Azad” (Which means free), from then on Chandrashekhar assumed the title of Azad and came to known as Chandrashekhar Azad. He was a terror for British Police.
Chandra Shekhar Azad

Along with Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru He formed the Hindustan Socialist Republic Association (HRSA), which was committed to complete Independence and socialist principles for India’s future progress.

He involved in Kakori Train Robbery (1926), attempt to blow up the Viceroy’s Train (1926), and involved in the Shooting of Saunders at Lahore (1928) to avenge the killing of Lala Lajpat Rai.

He was wanted by British police dead or alive, on 27th of February, 1931 he got surrounded by British Police at Alfred Park where he fought alone and killed three policemen, while he seeing no route to escape he shot himself.

  3. Lala Lajpat Rai (1865- 1928):
      Lal-Bal-Pal trio remember yes I am sure you have read it in School days! Lala Lajpat Rai was of the three most most prominent Hindu Nationalist members of Indian National Congress and others two members of the were Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Bipin Chandra Pal . They formed extremist faction of the Indian National Congress, as opposed to the moderate one led by Goapal Krishna Gokhale. Lalaji actively participated in the struggle against partition of Bengal.
Lala Lajpat Rai
      Lalaji was arrested on May 3, 1907 for creating “turmoil” in Rawalpindi. He was put in Mandalay jail for six months and was released on November 7,1907. He went to USA to galvanize  support for India.He founded the Indian Home League Society of America and wrote a book called “ Young India”. The book severely indicted British rule in India and was banned in Britain and India even before it was published.
      Lala Lajpat Rai led procession against Simon Commission. While the procession was peaceful, British Government brutally lathi charged the procession.Lalaji received  severe head injuries and died on 17th  November in 1928.

            4. Aruna Asaf Ali (1909 - 1996):
Aruna Asaf Ali  was a legendary heroine of India’s freedom struggle. Her first major political action was during Salt Satyagrah in 1930 when she addressed public meetings and led procession. British Government charged her for being a “Vagrant” and sentenced her to one year imprisonment. When political prisoners were released in the aftermath of Gandhi-Irwin pact, Aruna was not released. But public agitation in favour of her release forced British Government to release her.
Aruna Asaf Ali
She arrested again in 1932 and put in Tihar Jail, in Tihar Jail she went on a hunger strike against the treatment meted out to political prisoners. After her release, she dropped out of the NationaL Movement for 10 years.
In 1942 she attended the Bombay Congress Session, where the historic Quit India Movement  resolution was passed on 8th August. When the congress leaders were arrested on the day after this resolution was passed, Arunaji presided over the flag-hoisting ceremony at Gowalia Tank Maidan in Bombay. She became full-time activist in the Quit India Movement and went underground to evade arrest. Her properties were seized by the British Ruler, Government also announced Rs. 5000 reward for her capture. Meanwhile she fell ill and Gandhiji advised her to surrender. However, she surrendered herself only when the warrants against her cancelled on 26th January 1946.
She was elected Delhi’s first Mayor. She was awarded the Lenin Prize for Peace in 1975 and Jawahar Lal Nehru award for International Understanding for 1991, she was awarded India’s highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna and was honoured with a stamp issued by the Indian Postal Service in 1998. She died on 29th July 1996.

       5. Sukhdev Thapar (1907-1931):

He was amongst those great Indian freedom fighters who sacrifice their life for the freedom of their country. Sukhdev was founder member of Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA), organised revolutionary cell in Punjab and North India. He along with other renowed revolutionaries started “Naujawan Bharat Sabha” at Lahore that was an organisation involved in various activities, mainly gearing youths for freedom struggle.
Sukhdev Thapar

Sukhdev himself tookactive part in several revolutionary activities like the “Prison Hunger Strike” in 1926, his daring yet courageous attack in the Lahore Conspiracy Case (18th December, 1928), that shook the very foundation of the British Government, Sukhdev was accomplice of Bhagat Singh and Shivram Rajguru, who were involved in the assassination of Deputy Superintendent of Police, J.P.Saunders in 1928, thus avenging the death of Lala Lajpat Rai. After the Central Assembly Hall bombing in Delhi (8th April, 1929), Sukhdev and his accomplice were arrested and convicted of their crime, facing the death sentence as verdict.

On 23rd March, 1931, the brave revolutionary Sukhdev Thapar along with Bhagat Singh and Shivaram  Rajguru were hanged. 

It is recalled that great sacrifice can be made by great soul only. They were born great and their greatness lies in the root of sacrifice they have made. A sacrifice can be in the form of money, property and sincere service but whatever the form of sacrifice is, sacrifice for the mother land is something greater and higher than any gift of God.

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